Saturday, June 25, 2011

Leaving Unicentral and USC!

This week has been filled with one last final, and hanging out with my new friends for some last bonding time. I've now said good-bye to everyone, which ended up being a lot harder than I originally anticipated. Saying goodbye to people you have known for 5 months is not easy, all I can hope is that those of us from the States can meet up for a reunion. Knowing that I may never see these amazing people again is very sad, especially since even if I do run into people, it will never be in the same place with the same situation as we have all had for these last 5 months.
Saying goodbye to Tahlia
Most of my friends have gone home now, whether it be back to their home country or back to their hometown in Australia. I had to say my goodbyes to Tahlia yesterday morning, which was hard because she was my closes Australian friend and when she comes back next semester, basically everyone that she has known since she's been here will be gone. I'm definitely going to miss her.

Jess's sister Sarah flew in yesterday, so Nikki and I got to know her and spend the day with them, which was fun. New uni students from the states started showing up to move in too, and it made me just want to get to know them and tell them all about life here on the sunny coast. Hard to believe my journey is ending and theirs just beginning. We went to dinner one last time in Mooloolaba, said so long to the beach, and headed home. Then we had to say goodbye to Hunter and Nic. Hunter decided to extend his stay to another semester, so he's going to let us know how next semester on the sunny coast goes. Nic is Australian, so she is staying obviously, but it was so nice getting to know her as well. They are two very nice and fun people to be around.

Sarah, Jess and Nikki at the last supper
Last but not least was Jess... the worst goodbye yet. We traveled the pacific with her and have made so many unforgettable memories. Life would not have been the same had I not met that crazy girl. I hope to keep in touch with her for a long time. Thank goodness I don't have to say goodbye to Nikki, because that would be aweful!!!! So glad we go to school together and can continue our great friendship.

I'm going to miss this girl so much!!!
Today Nikki and I are leaving Unicentral for good and heading to Brisbane before leaving for the U.S. on Tuesday. Hard to believe our semester is over. It has been by far, the best, most crazy, thrilling, adventurous, and challenging 5 months of my life, but I wouldn't change anything for the world. I will never forget the friends and memories I've made here in Australia. It truly has been a life-changing experience that I have learned a lot from. So, Its very sad to say goodbye to what I've called home for 5 months, but I have SO much to look forward to when I return home, and I can't wait.

Praying that Nikki and My flight is not delayed due to volcanic ash....its been happening a lot lately, so we're crossing our fingers! Thanks for keeping up with my blog, I hope I've been able to successfully share my incredible, and some not so incredible, experiences in the land down under, and maybe even persuaded you to explore this amazing country yourself.


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